O Nature’s Source Organic Plant Food 3-1-1

Manufacturer: Nature's Source
Labels and SDS
Organic Documentation

Nature’s Source Organic Plant Food is available in the following sizes:   2.5 gal (5 gal case),  55 gal, and 275 gal



Product Name

Nature’s Source Organic Plant Food 3-1-1


Product Manufacturer

Nature’s Source

Product Type

Plant Nutrition



Naturally balanced, naturally derived liquid fertilizer suitable for all plants.

Very low salt index, organic plant food derived from fermented oil seed extract.




For Hydroponics and Soil-less Media:

Supplies balanced and palatable nutrition for consistent toned growth and rapid nutrient response.


For Extensive Organic production in Greenhouse and Field:

Supplies balanced and palatable nutrition for supplementation through the root system.

These characteristics also make it an excellent foliar spray – alone, or as part of a tank mix.


Nature’s Source Organic Plant Food  –  Info and Media Learning Center

Presentations, Studies, and other Technical Info (Graphs, Charts, etc)
Flyers and Misc Info




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