Resources for Soil Testing

Soil Testing (properly done) can give a grower important information about a soil’s texture, its ability to hold nutrients and moisture, its quantities and ratios of plant nutrients, and more.  Yet the results of soil tests can also be misleading or outright wrong and laboratories may differ widely in their interpretations of those same results.  There are many different opinions on how often to test your soil and how to go about it. And that’s just part of this puzzle.  Soil labs may get varying results from the same sample of soil, with each being “correct” according to their differing criteria!  Still, it is our position that soil testing is important enough to be worth spending the effort to do the test properly – and the time to understand the interpretations correctly.  Below, we have accumulated some resources that we think will help in that effort.

Resources for Further Study

The soil that you grow in affects every aspect of plant growth – it has a major impact on your bottom line.  If you understand its strengths and limitations, you can achieve your best yields with the least inputs.   The more you know about soil testing and interpretation in general, (and how it relates to your soil in particular) the more valuable your test becomes.  There are many “nuggets” in the resources below – check into them as you have time!


(New Mexico State Univ)


Soil Test Interpretation Guide

(Oregon State Univ)


(Soil Test) Result Interpretation

(New South Wales Extension, Australia)



Soil Salinity Testing, Data Interpretation and Recommendations

(Univ of Georgia Extension)