This is an exciting and challenging time to be involved in American agricultural products. The concept of “sustainable” agriculture is becoming main stream in today’s marketplace. “Sustainability” has become a “buzz word” as it relates to agriculture, but farmers know that the definition must include economic return to the farm if it is to have any meaning. The good news is that organic agriculture, direct marketing, and the “buy local products” movement have begun to provide farmers with a more reliable alternative to the “race to the bottom” commodity markets. New technologies, equipment, and methods are bringing the cost of organic and sustainable production into line with traditional growing methods, even as conventional fertilizer costs fluctuate widely.

Earthwise  Organics strives to provide quality products, reliable service, and cutting

edge technology and consulting at an affordable price in our effort to help farmers grow quality food while making a profit.  Our updated product list reflects our continuing effort to provide the most effective, safe, affordable, and appropriate products available in today’s marketplace.  On other parts of the website you can find detailed growing templates for individual crops, information on how products work together, and basic facts about biological farming.

Earthwise Organics has organic and natural products for every type of grower.  Whether you are raising green beans and chickens or alfalfa and zucchini  – we have the right product for you.  Peruse our individual product pages for more information – or contact us if you have any questions or need more information.


Organic and sustainable products for a wide variety of agricultural production systems and settings.


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cattle grassfed beef

Grassfed Beef

Earthwise is now selling our own Grassfed Beef!


Take a Look>

Lawn & Garden

Natural and organic products to help your lawn flourish and your garden grow.


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