o Potassium Sulfate (Sulfate of Potash) – Ultrafine

Sulfate of Potash is available in the following sizes: 50 lb bags, pallet (50 lb bags), pallet (super bag)
Product Name
Product Manufacturer
Diamond K Gypsum
Product Type
Soil Treatment / Plant Nutrition
50% Potash, Water Soluble Fine Powder
Soil potassium deficiency, plant potassium deficiency.
Suitable for injection through irrigation systems.
(Diamond K,the manufacturer of this product, also sells specially designed applicators to more easily inject this potassium product into a variety of irrigation systems)
Sulfate of Potash – Info and Media Learning Center
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Suitable for application through irrigation: drip, sprinkler or pivot.
Low Salt Index – suitable for foliar or soil use.
Plants generally use as much Potassium as they do Nitrogen. Even in soils with sufficient “available” potassium, plants can experience a shortage late season as the Potassium in the immediate vicinity of the root hairs is used up. Applied Potassium in the root zone is often useful late season, esp in multiple fruiting crops (cotton, cucurbits, tomatoes, etc.). Reasonably priced and easily fertigated DK Potassium Sulfate can be a good choice in that situation.
Click here to see Fertigation Machines made to apply Diamond K Gypsum, Potassium Sulfate, and KMS (Potassium-Magnesium Sulfate) through your irrigation.