O Organic Citric Acid

Organic Citric Acid is available in the following sizes: 1 gal (4 gal case), 144 gal pallet
Product Name
Organic Citric Acid
Product Manufacturer
Agro Research International
Product Type
10% organic citric acid.
Organic citric acid used for organic crop production to adjust pH levels in tank mixtures.
For use in adjusting the pH of spray solutions particular to a given crop and mixture of products.
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Before adding citric acid make sure to check the initial pH of tank water.
Preliminary suggested dilution rate is 0.5% for most applications*. Measurements of tank water before and after adding citric acid will give a more accurate reading.
It is recommended to use a pH paper or a pH meter to make sure that the water is at the desired reading prior to mixing with any other product(s).
*Special note for using with Weed Slayer KITT. When using alkaline water for your spray tank, up to 1% Citric Acid may be needed to achieve the pH of 4 recommended for the Weed Slayer KITT product application.