or NRG’S Nature’s Solution

Nature’s Solution is available in the following sizes: pallet tanks and bulk loads
Product Name
NRG’s Nature’s Solution
Product Manufacturer
Natural Resources Group
Product Type
Liquid Mineral Complex
Derived from microbially digested chicken manure.
Soil treatment which stimulates rooting, plant vigor, and soil microbial activity.
Provides easily absorbable trace elements.
Can be used in USDA certified organic systems with restrictions.
Nature’s Solution – Info and Media Learning Center
Presentations, Studies, and other Technical Info (Graphs, Charts, etc)
Flyers and Misc Info
We call this product our one true “snake oil”; it affects plant growth far more than the nutrient analysis would indicate.
Nature’s Solution is classified as a “manure” product under the NOP rules, and is thus subject to the restriction that it must be used at least 90-120 days before harvest of edible crops (crops meant for human consumption).