OR Lifegard WG

LifeGard WG is available in the following sizes: 1 lb pkg
Product Name
Product Manufacturer
Product Type
Bacillus mycoides isolate J
The active ingredient in LifeGard® branded products is a naturally occurring bacterium that triggers an induced resistance (IR) response in plants. When the BmJ bacterium lands on the plant, induction or “activation” initiates within three hours.
Biological disease control agent used to manage foliar diseases in fruit and vegetable cropping systems.
LifeGard is most efficient at crop protection when applied early, ideally the first spray of your disease management program.
LifeGard WG – Info and Media Learning Center
Presentations, Studies, and other Technical Info (Graphs, Charts, etc)
LifeGard WG Trial Date
Flyers and Misc Info
For most effective results, LifeGard should be applied early in the crop cycle, ideally the first spray of your disease management program.