OR Biomin Cal-Boro Light

Biomin Cal-Boro Light is available in the following sizes: 2.5 gal (5 gal case), 180 gal pallet, 55 gal drum, pallet tank
Product Name
Product Manufacturer
JH Biotech
Product Type
Foliar application – efficient, rapid mineral uptake.
Amino Acid chelated form of micronutrients.
Calcium (Ca) ………………………………………………………………….5% Chelated Calcium
Boron (B) ………………………………………………………………………0.5% Chelated Boron
Biomin Cal-Boro Light is indicated when Calcium and Boron levels in the plant are below desired levels and need to be quickly restored to optimum. Calcium and/or Boron deficiency in plant determined by test, observation, or known nutritional needs of certain plants and/or systems. Biomin amino acid chelated Cal-Boro Light (5% Ca, 0.5% B), provides easily absorbable and “plant friendly” Calcium and Boron for immediate use by the plant. Another Biomin product, Cal-Boro (5% Ca, 1.0% B), is recommended in certain situations where additional Boron is needed. These are critically important nutrients for pollination, leaf growth, fruit formation, disease resistance and shelf life.
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Liquid formulation, chelated with amino acids, readily absorbed and utilized in the plant.
Calcium and Boron are often deficient in multiple fruiting crops from flowering stage on. They are especially in demand in fast growing parts of the plant, such as the fruit and the tip of new leaf growth.
Calcium and Boron are a major part of the structural “skeleton” of the cell wall. A strong cell wall structure resists disease organisms more effectively. This can lead to less disease incidence and increased shelf life of the targeted crop.